Louis Jane

Watercolor Large Square Silk Scarf

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Un morbido e sognante senso di serenità ti avvolge con questo scarpato quadrato di seta 100%. Watercoloris deriva dalla mia prima impronta artistica tessile Louis Jane. Questo modello di color watercolor è ispirato alla fotografia della luce che attraversa le intersezioni di rami di leafy in piena fioritura sul mio albero preferito, un albero di ciliegio ornamentale giapponese "Higan". Mi sono ispirato inizialmente vedendo i giardini di Monet a Giverny e i suoi incredibili dipinti delle ninfee a Parigi al Musée de l'Orangerie

  • Large Square Silk Scarf nel 100% Silk Twill
  • Mano finita
  • Dimensions90 x 90 cm
  • Stampato digitalmente
  • Made in Como, Italia


26 recensioni
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Immagine dell'avatar di Christy Hui.
Christy Hui
Hutchinson Island,, FL
9 mesi fa
Really loved it!
Loved the vibrant colors! 😍 The high-quality silk fabric feels luxurious! Great printing. Every time I wear this scarf, it reminds me of the fabulous summer I once had in the countryside of Italy 🇮🇹
Immagine dell'avatar di Barbara Hemphill.
Barbara Hemphill
Garner, North Carolina, USA
3 anni fa
A luxurious experience every day!
Due to the frugal culture in which I grew up, purchasing luxurious accessories is not in my nature! On the same day that I received an email displaying Louis Jane's beautiful scarves, my husband asked me what I wanted for my 75th birthday. I immediately knew the answer! When I opened the package and wrapped the luxurious creation around me, I felt so loved -- and so grateful for Louise Wannier's talent for facilitating the marriage of nature and art. I decided it was too beautiful to put in my closet, so I draped it over the chair in my office so I see it every day. When I walk by, just touching it invigorates me, and when I'm having a challenging day, I can wrap it around me and immediately feel comforted! I've just ordered another one!
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Immagine dell'avatar di julia falvey.
julia falvey
Sint Andries, Belgium
2 anni fa
Immagine dell'avatar di Noelle.
3 anni fa
Happiness and Elegance!
Wearing this art silk scarf is the perfect way to dress up any of my outfits and add a bit of colour, happiness and elegance to my look, no matter the season. I am so pleased with it!
Thank you so much for your kind words - and for sharing your photos, the scarf looks absolutely beautiful on you!
Louis Jane
Immagine dell'avatar di Kirsty Stancich.
Kirsty Stancich
Hunua, Auckland, New Zealand
3 anni fa
Beautiful scarves, soft and luxuriant to feel and sublime colours
Immagine dell'avatar di Heidi  De Bethmann.
Heidi De Bethmann
New York, NY
3 anni fa
Highly recommended!
Beautiful design and quality!